Thanks for booking!
Here are your booking details. We’re about to send you a few e-mails, so let’s review what you should receive. Please check your inbox or your spam/junk folder for the following e-mails from us:
Booking Confirmation & Details. You can also make changes to your booking from it.
The e-mail confirmation link, which helps our e-mails arrive to you reliably.
New Client Intake E-mail to gather general information we need. Please fill this out before your appointment.
Appointment reminders.
Next, Let’s Get Your Unique Risk Number.
We’ll use this number in our meeting to help us better understand your personal tolerance for risk in any plan we may create together.
Built on a Nobel Prize-winning framework, the Risk Number is a proprietary scaled index developed by Nitrogen to reflect risk for both advisors and their clients. It sits at the heart of a sophisticated set of tools to precisely measure an investor’s appetite and capacity for risk, as well as the risk of a security, model, account, or portfolio.